Sunday, October 30, 2005
First Flakes
Nobody ever sang about a white Halloween. EEE. Looks like this winter is gonna be very cold.
Saturday, October 29, 2005
The Drama
1. I got an email yesterday. It was from a friend of mine who'd agreed to co-sign for my student loan. She had to back out of the deal because it might put her brother's mortgage (for which she co-signed too) in jeopardy.
2. Today I somehow managed to break my iPod.
See, this is what I get for complaining about not having drama in my life. Now I've got loads of it.
1. Now I have absolutely no idea how I'm going to continue paying for this apartment.
2. Where do I get money for next semester?
3. How do I pay off the half a million pesos that I owe Tita Dhong?
What's so bad about it is that I'd planned to go out with my friends tonight --- a little easygoing Halloween Friday night with friends. And what's happened instead? What's happened is that I'm here at home asking "why me," because they all decided they couldn't be arsed to go out tonight because, well, they're lazy or they're tired. You'd hope that you are at least worth making up a good excuse.
I'm just bitter. I'm bitter because if I decide to still go to that Halloween party, people are going to be more sad that I didn't bring my friends along than they are going to be happy that I'm there.